Scheme architecture

Public domain traffic conversion system

Closed loop system of private marketing

Marketing scenario

Scheme advantages

  • Operation simplification

    Based on AI Rubik's Cube, we will combine lawyers' regions, areas of expertise, and current affairs hotspots to provide you with pictures, texts, posters, videos and other forwarding materials of popular networks, so as to simplify the operation of lawyers' circle of friends.
  • Marketing simplification

    Based on AI Rubik's Cube, automated and intelligent Baidu SEO and Tiaoyin SEO will be carried out in combination with lawyers' regions, areas of expertise and background customized keywords, making marketing simple and efficient.
  • Management data

    Based on AI Rubik's Cube, users entering the private domain of lawyers will be represented with big data, so that lawyers can have a deeper understanding of each TA and make customer operation management data.
  • Content automation

    Based on AI Rubik's Cube, the system will automatically match and trigger the corresponding marketing content in combination with the user's big data, and finally realize the automatic operation of private marketing.

Welcome to contact us for more successful cases and experience in private marketing of lawyers/law firms.